Starting March 5, 2025
San Diego, CA
Medicare’s Priorities and Programs: What are the Opportunities and Challenges for Senior Housing and Care?
Session Type: Main Stage
Date and Time:Wednesday, March 06, 2024 | 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy
Harvard Medical School
Dr. Meena Seshamani, the Director of the Center for Medicare and Deputy Administrator of CMS, brings her thoughts to this fireside conversation on the direction that the Medicare program she oversees is heading and why, as well as what this direction means for the senior housing and care industry. What is her goal for the engagement of Medicare recipients in value-based care arrangements, and what does that mean for MA plans, SNPs, and ACOs? How central is the focus on population health and social determinants of health, and what opportunities does this priority present to the senior living sector? Come hear Dr. Seshamani’s answers to these questions and other hot topics during this candid discussion facilitated by Dr. David C. Grabowski, Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School.